Sadiq Khan’s new ULEZ branded a ‘con’ and ‘all about money’

Christopher Hope says Tories will not challenge ULEZ expansion

Sadiq Khan’s London Ultra Low Emissions Zone (ULEZ) is a “con” just focussed on making money, according to a former Conservative MP.

Nick de Bois CBE, an ex-Special Adviser and Chief of Staff of Dominic Raab has slammed Khan’s scheme just days ahead of its planned expansion.

The new ULEZ policy comes into effect on August 29 and will slap £12.50 per day fees on motorists living in Outer London boroughs such as Harrow and Bromley.

The car tax changes will therefore cost owners of non-compliant cars around £375 per month if they intend to travel every day.

Khan has refused to back down over the scheme despite a consultation last year showing a majority of residents rejected the plan.

READ MORE Sadiq Khan’s ULEZ disaster as majority of Londoners ‘can’t afford charge’

Speaking on Talk TV, De Bois said: “It is all about money. It’s definitely not going to make much of a difference on air quality but time will tell on air quality.

“And I’ll tell you why it’s all about money. When I registered my electric car to avoid ULEZ, guess what, there’s a £10 registration fee so all of the cars in London are going to end up paying a fee no doubt.

“It’s to collect money, Why are they collecting money? Because he effectively took policy decisions back in 2016 that have left a black hole in TfL. That’s the money side of it that motivates Sadiq Khan because he needs the money in there.”

The consultation found 59 percent of residents were against a planned ULEZ expansion outside of inner London.

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The policy was then rejected at the Uxbridge by-election which the Conservatives held despite nationwide opinion polling in Labour’s favour. Sir Keir Starmer has even spoken out against the scheme in a bid to distance the national Labour Party from the unpopular proposals.

Protests have continued to be held against the proposals with campaigners spotted in Trafalgar Square and outside Downing Street. De Bois added the policy would continue to be attacked while road users struggled to pay their bills.

He explained: “When it comes to the credibility of the policy it goes much wider than ULEZ. This nation if you asked them, ‘yes of course we agree with Clean Air, yes we agree with carbon footprint reduction’.

“But, ask those same people if they are going to pay for it. Survey after survey says not now, the cost of living is ruining me. He’s got it wrong both practically and politically and he is selling us a con.”

In a statement sent to, a spokesprson for the Mayor of London said: “London has made significant progress over the last six years in improving air quality, but it sadly remains the case that thousands of Londoners die prematurely each year as a result of toxic pollution and it causes children to grow up with stunted lungs and increases the risk of dementia in older people.

“The ULEZ is not a money-making scheme and within a few years, as compliance increases, it will actually make a net loss.

“Any revenues raised are ringfenced and reinvested into London’s transport network, including investing in state-of-the art electric buses, improving transport links in outer London.

“The ULEZ is a very targeted scheme which means that only those with the most polluting vehicles will have to pay the charge. Nine out of ten cars seen driving in outer London on an average day are already ULEZ compliant. To help drivers of non-compliant vehicles avoid receiving a PCN, they can sign up to TfL’s Auto Pay which has been free since 30 January 2023.”

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